ONNE on onne with Brooke Styles

With 100,000 followers on Instagram, Brooke Styles from the Sunshine Coast has now risen to Instagram Influencer fame after being scouted by one of her favourite photographers. ONNE catches up with Brooke for a chat about all things IG, photos and to get an insight as to what motivates her.

What started your passion for IG?

I started modelling in my late teens with a close friend of mine being my photographer. Back when Instagram was just starting and she suggested using it as a way to position me to target a different audience. It has really helped in so many ways, not only was I growing a strong following, but it opened up so many opportunities that I never would never have access to without it.

You have some really beautiful images from some gorgeous destinations, what is your favourite destination and why?

I really love my hometown, the Sunshine Coast is such a magical place and its where most of my Instagram snaps are taken. My favourite getaway would have to be Bali. If you haven’t already been there, stop what you’re doing and get yourself a trip organised. It's honestly not for everyone but it is definitely an experience I could not suggest more

At Onne we know the time it takes to get that perfect image, how many shots does it usually take to get ‘the one’ perfect image?

When I’m taking a flat lay I take a few and then adjust some products until I've found something I love. If I’m in front of the camera, whether it be a photographer or my boyfriend, we just keep taking a few shots and then I look back at them later. If I stress out about the “perfect” shot I tend to take myself down too much. There’s nothing worse than being on location and focusing on trying to change something. Many times I go home and see what all the fuss about changing things was pretty silly. Instagram is a fake world, it's not worth beating yourself up over those few more likes just because you didn’t suck your tummy in enough for a photo. At the end of the day, the opinions that matter to me are the loved ones that I go home to every night. If others don’t accept my stretch marks, a pimple, a scar, then they don’t have to follow me.

What is your best advice for handling criticism?

Remember your worth. There's only one real reason for criticism and that's jealousy. My best advice is to delete anything that upsets you straight away. Be the bigger person, don’t give the hater the satisfaction of bringing you down and reacting to them.

What surprising lessons have you learned along the way?

Being humble is stronger than what you see on the outside. You can't see what’s going on once someone puts their phone down. People need to remember that there is also a human being on the other side as well. Many Instagram girls can live a double life and it does take a toll on them. My advice - Be true to who you are and be the best version of YOU.

When you're in front of the camera, who is behind?

Usually Jackson, my boyfriend. We both love taking photos. Whenever we are out, I will bring along something I can blog and he's happy to take a few snaps.

What would you say that is the greatest Influencer achievement to date?

Travel. I've now have been overseas with my work and I really think that is a great achievement.

Do you have any specific goals for the rest of this year?

I really don’t know what 2017 will bring for me. I have some more travelling coming up within the next month, which I am hoping will open more doors for my career.

Tell us something no one knows about you?

I have been a dancer my whole life. From the age of two, I have done ballet and still do to this day.

What else do you do in your spare time apart from Ballet?

Spend as much time with Jackson and our fur babies, hit the beach or find a new café to blog.

What are your top tips for keeping healthy?

Step away from the take-out... Cutting fast foods and soft drink out of my diet has been the best decision for my health. I was lucky enough not to put on weight when eating unhealthy foods, however, it did make me really depressed and tired constantly. It's like they put a drug into a cheeseburger and the only full satisfaction I had was eating another one. Go cold turkey and completely cut it out. Once you hit the two-week habit break you’ll never feel better about yourself.

What’s next for you?

I am off to Hong Kong this month to represent Australia in the dream beautiful competition, which is supported by Mary Kay. I am so excited not to just travel, but for the people and the opportunities that could come from this experience.

To keep up to date with Brookes beautiful Instagram feed go to;

To see Brookes write up about ONNE go to;