ONNE on Onne With Stylist Tara Wokulski

Tara Wokulski, AKA Coco Camellia, has a beautiful sense of style. Her IG feed that subtly shouts; simple, timeless, detail, is full of stunning muted colour pallets, a divine choice of textures, blooms that make the heart sing and to top it off, gorgeous imagery.
Having started her styling Instagram account in June 2017, Tara has quickly built a cult following of with over 38,000 followers (growing daily) she is now known as a go-to source of inspiration within the Australian interior styling industry.

Your styling skills and eye for detail are what all girls dreams are made of, have you always been into interior styling?

My love for interior design and styling all started from being a Sales Assistant at Porter Davis Homes. I loved refreshing the displays, moving decor items around to give the displays a freshen up, and from there I quickly started to realise that I adored the simpler details that are so often overlooked like the way light enters a room, soft and hard finishes, the subtle yet intentional positioning of vases, cushions and all the other things that bring a home together.

Tell a little about your previous life before styling and what was your lightbulb moment to make the change?

I was a Nurse pretty much as soon as I left high school, which I loved, but I just wasn't super passionate about! I then met my husband Phil and we had two Children really close together (9 months apart to be exact). Scarlett had a rough start with multiple surgeries from the day she was born and more hospital stays and surgeries throughout her life. Unfortunately with more still to come! Oliver also being 9 weeks early he endured a long hospital stay in the beginning and a severe allergy for the first 20 months. So with the very little home time. I did have I really enjoyed refreshing my home while the kids were resting. At the time we were living with Phil's Dad so I pretty much was styling what looked like multiple spaces of a house. But really it was all from our kid-sized bedroom. It was at this point I realised that I had to follow my passion and this was what I really loved doing and what made me happiest. So on a whim, I decided to delete all my personal images from Instagram and change it into an outlet for my home styling to share with whoever wanted to see it. So really, in a nutshell. Coco Camellia was born from a 2.5mx3m kids bedroom and a whole lot of passion for interiors and styling.


What are your favourite rooms to style and why?

I really love styling living spaces as they are the hub of the home where people spend most of their time, I feel they really set the mood for your entire home so when executed correctly, makes a huge difference to the functionality and way a person lives their life. Also, I love styling master bedrooms, as in most homes that are single storey they're the first thing you see when you enter a home, so I love making a statement and a great first impression with this space.

What are your top 5 styling tips?

1. Concept: Always start with one, no matter how big or small the project is, jot it down before you begin. This could be by way of notes, Pinterest boards, or a mood board. This will help you to stay on track with your original styling/design direction and intention.
2. Quality over quantity: Invest in timeless quality items, these may cost more, but they will always look fresh, current, stand the test of time and generally don't falter with ever-changing trends.
3. Layers: Don't be afraid to layer decor objects In front of one another, the same applies with textiles, you'll be surprised how quickly you'll transform a space from flat and dull-looking to the perfect inviting place to relax!
4. Get your Bases right: Start with a quality base ie; Sofa, headboards, Linen quilt cover's etc, this always allows you to work with a great canvas. I generally use clean/classic, unpatterned soft colours as a base to then build upon with shades of colour and subtle patterns.
5. Flowers: By adding floral arrangements to even just one space in your home, you'll notice an instant lift and more inviting feel as you walk in the door! My top spaces to place floral arrangements for instant impact would be; Dining tables, Coffee Tables, Master bedrooms, or a Feature shelf.


Let’s talk Blooms as you always have such beautiful flowers featured throughout your styling. What are your favourite flowers?

Haha, I do love a good bunch of blooms, and I especially love arranging them myself! but a few of my favourites (let's be honest I love them all) would have to be: Julia's Rose, Hydrangeas, David Austins (or really any garden rose) and Blushing Brides.

What do you do to stay fit and healthy?

Now, this is exciting, this year I am going to focus on my health! I was a super fit person who ran 15-20km daily before kids and played multiple sports. It's something I really miss. So in saying that, I have actually just bought a monthly pass to Pilates with KX. So I'll be doing that. I also LOVE The Beauty Chef. Daily I take the Collagen and Antioxidant Liquid, along with the Inner Beauty Glow Powder. I have really noticed a difference in my gut health and overall skin tone and texture. So I highly recommend!

Do you have a daily Mantra?

Be Better than yesterday and kindness always. Mainly I think this at the start of every day as I really want my kids to achieve happiness and greatness in whatever they do.

What makes you happy (other than Milo)?

Haha, but seriously Milo is right up there, you know I love milo or 6 daily! But honestly my family, They completely ground me, and keep me passionate about all things in life.

What/who inspires you?

My Husband Phil! I've honestly never met a more selfless, passionate, dedicated human being! He inspires me daily with his drive-through commitment, hard work, determination, love and kindness. He is a huge part of why I get to do what I love so much, and without him, none of it would be possible. As my passion has also now become part of his!

Favourite travel destination/s

So I'm pretty boring and haven't travelled to many places. But I would absolutely love to go to Iceland one day, and all the other Nordic countries. I think it would be so beautiful, as I'm a bit of a colder weather person!

How can we stay in contact with you:?

Website: (coming soon)